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SAGE Variometer Data

In 2022, the SAGE BGS team installed three new variometers to measure magnetic field variation across the UK, filling in the 'gaps' between existing observatories. These cover an east-west line compared to the north-south coverage offered by the existing UK observatories. These new variometers are based on the design of the SWIGS differential magnetometer systems.

Below are plots of the magnetic field variations at the three sites for yesterday and today. Please note that these are variation data and the values presented may not reflect the true full-field magnetic field values.

Variometer Code Latitude (Deg) Longitude (Deg E)
Florence Court FLO 54.25 N 352.27
Market Harborough LEI 52.42 N 359.08
Herstmonceux Castle HTX 50.86 N 000.33

Florence Court

Yesterday's magnetogram of variometer data from Florence Court (FLO).
Today's magnetogram of variometer data from Florence Court (FLO).

Market Harborough

Yesterday's magnetogram of variometer data from Market Harborough (LEI).
Today's magnetogram of variometer data from Market Harborough (LEI).

Herstmonceux Castle

Yesterday's magnetogram of variometer data from Herstmonceux Castle (HTX).
Today's magnetogram of variometer data from Herstmonceux Castle (HTX).

Note: Herstmonceux Castle data is updated hourly.


For more information please contact Dr Ciaran Beggan.