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Geo-electric measurements

Rapid variations of the geomagnetic field, caused by space weather, produce an electric field in the Earth's surface. This electric field is the source of electrical currents that can, for example, cause damage to transformers in the power grid and cause corrosion to pipelines.

The plots below show measurements made at BGS observatories to allow us to monitor this geo-electric field.


Latest measurements


Electric field measurements at Eskdalemuir yesterday
Electric field measurements at Eskdalemuir today
Measurements at Eskdalemuir for last 6 hours
Measurements at Eskdalemuir for last 30 days




Electric field measurements at Lerwick yesterday
Electric field measurements at Lerwick today
Measurements at Lerwick for last 6 hours
Measurements at Lerwick for last 30 days (Coming Soon!)



Electric field measurements at Hartland yesterday
Electric field measurements at Hartland today
Measurements at Hartland for last 6 hours
Measurements at Hartland for last 30 days (Coming Soon!)



  • Data are updated every 10 minutes.
  • Data are recorded at 10Hz at all three sites
  • The electric data in the monthly plots are 1 minute averages
  • The electric field data in the daily and 6 hour plots are 1 second averages
  • dB/dt is calculated as the difference between the measurement now and the measurement 1 minute ago.